Clear Braces vs. Metal Braces
The choice between clear braces or metal braces is becoming an age-old debate…
How What You Eat Affects Your Teeth
When most of us think of the affect of food on our teeth, we probably think of…
Yes, Flossing Really Is That Important & Here's Why
As dental professionals we often feel like a broken record (or a scratched CD,…
5 Tips for Being a Better Dental Patient
Like any relationship in life, having good communication with your dentist is…
Why Teeth Cleanings Are Important
Over time, plaque (a thick, bacteria-filled film) and tartar (a hard…
Today’s Many Options for Braces
When you think of braces, you may think of months to years of a mouth full of…
Great Reasons to Get Braces
Many people think of braces as a right of passage that we subject pre-teens…
What You Need to Know About Professional Teeth Whitening
The color of their teeth is one of the top things people say they would like to…
Why You Shouldn’t Fear Root Canals
Root canals have earned a bad reputation. This procedure has become the butt of…
A Little-Known Dental Insurance Trick Can Save You Money
When it comes to dental insurance, or insurance in general, many of us are…